When I started writing this blog, over two years ago, I thought knocking our 800 words or so a week would be a doddle. I mean, just look at some of the idiots who manage to push out a weekly newspaper column. Then, as work and life both got busier, once a fortnight(ish) became the norm, but I felt that was still acceptable.
Now, I keep looking up to discover another week’s gone with no post. Given the launch of all the shiny new SciLogs blogs today, I felt I needed at least to stick in a placeholder this week - not so much in a marking-of-territory kind of way, but rather to demonstrate that it’s simply a lack of time to write that’s preventing me from posting more often. That, and the fact that, between nursery pick-ups and nasty weather I’m walking home less frequently at the moment – and my walk home is when I tend to compose these things.
Anyway. Here’s a taster of what you can expect when I get time to sit down and write up some notes…
The idolatry of the Beatles and Charles Darwin
Additional parental leave: firecracker of equality or damp squib?
Yorkshire megafauna: the amazing Scarborough tunny story
1 billion reasons to do a PhD (Volume 1) [with apologies to Peter Serafinowicz)
Why so few extinctions in the sea?
Endless petitions, hair-trigger outrage, and trial by Twitter
Hope that whets your appetites. And I hope you appreciate my resisting the urge to mention Monkey Tennis too…